What does it mean to be “held in contempt?” Well, holding one in contempt is similar to being delinquent. Being delinquent means that you are in default of some sort, and need to correct your conduct. The courts in America have recognized that there are certain conduct that warrants this penalty. So what does it mean to be held in contempt of court?

Being held in criminal contempt means – that your conduct falls outside the parameters of the law. So what does it mean to be held in criminal contempt? Criminal contempt sanctions typically include destroying or removing documents, statements, and other physical records. In the context of a criminal case, these documents may also include audio recordings. If your conduct is found to be in criminal contempt, then the penalties and consequences of your conduct will vary according to state and federal laws.

The U.S. Attorneys General and the U.S. Courts – enforce both criminal and civil contempt orders in various cases. The federal government is generally very hostile to the use of jailing as a means of enforcement of civil contempt orders. jailing is considered to be an expensive and ineffective tool for enforcing any type of order. Additionally, jailing is not used very often because the damage to the reputation of a debtor far outweighs the benefits to the debtor. Many people falsely believe that they will have to face jail time if they refuse to pay their debts, but this is usually untrue.

When you are served with a civil contempt order – it is important that you contact your debtor immediately. Failure to do so could result in a case being dismissed by the court. Your attorney will be able to determine whether or not your debtor is in financial trouble and can then proceed with a plan to get you a temporary relief from any potential legal issues that may arise as a result of your failure to comply with the order.

A court order that authorizes – the debtor to repay his or her debt can specify various consequences. Often, a debtor will lose their driver’s license. Others have their wages garnished or may be sued for their failure to obey the order. There are also some court orders that allow the court to immediately repossess property owned by the debtor if they fail to meet their obligation; however, property owners may still retain possession of their homes if they show evidence of financial hardship.

If you received a criminal contempt citation – it is imperative that you respond in a manner acceptable to the court. Your attorney will be able to provide you with a full overview of your rights and the steps that you must take to retain your freedom. Remember, a criminal contempt order only allows a police officer to go into private premises to make a criminal investigation or to seize property without first obtaining a warrant.

If you received a criminal contempt order and believe that it may have been issued based on information obtained from an unauthorized person or source, you should immediately contact a criminal defense attorney.